How Should I Prepare for a Consultation With an Immigration Attorney?

How Should I Prepare for a Consultation With an Immigration Attorney?

what to ask immigration attorney

Whether you’re legal or undocumented in the United States, there are times when you might need to enlist the services of an immigration attorney. Immigration attorneys specialize in all aspects of the law as it regards immigration. They could mean the difference between staying in the country or being deported. For that reason, it’s important […]

Presidente Biden Comienza el Tercer Año Como Presidente

P#1: En los últimos dos años que el Presidente Biden ha estado en el cargo, ¿qué cambios importantes ha realizado en el sistema de inmigración? R#1: Aunque Biden ha firmado varias órdenes ejecutivas y ha hecho varios intentos de aprobar varios proyectos de ley de inmigración, Biden aún no ha tenido una “gran victoria” en […]

President Biden Begins Year Three as President

Q#1: Over the past two years that President Biden has been in office, what major changes has he made to the immigration system? A#1: Although Biden has signed multiple executive orders and made multiple attempts to pass various immigration bills, Biden has not yet had a “big win” on his legislative agenda in regard to […]

La Administración de Biden Anuncia Nuevos Programas de Libertad Condicional

P#1: Escuché que hay nuevos programas de libertad condicional que permiten que las personas ingresen legalmente a los Estados Unidos si es de un cierto país. ¿Qué son estos programas y cómo funcionan? R#1: Son programas discrecionales de permiso humanitario específicos de cada país que permiten la autorización de viaje por adelantado si ciertos documentos […]

2023 H-1B Visa Update and Registration Process

what to do if ICE comes to your home

What is the H-1B visa? The H-1B visa is a nonimmigrant work visa that allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers for specialty jobs that require a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. This includes occupations such as IT, finance, engineering, architecture, etc. H-1B Visa Eligibility In order to be eligible for the H1B visa, you will […]

Biden Administration Announces New Parole Programs

Q#1: I have heard that there are new parole programs that allow people to enter the United States legally if they are from a certain country. What are these programs and how do they work? A#1: They are discretionary, country-specific humanitarian parole programs that allow for advance travel authorization if certain paperwork is filed online, […]